Our Rainbow Family of All Intelligent Life

Must there not be many forms of intelligent life? Surely there are numerous rational and/or spiritual species in the billions of star-and-planet systems of our galaxy – what to speak of in the trillions of other galaxies scattered throughout our incomprehensibly vast universe!

What would happen when intelligent species from different planets meet? Might they recognize their commonality? Could some of them even be genetically compatible? And, even for those who are not, could interplanetary hybridization lead us into literally one rainbow family of all intelligent life forms in our galaxy, or even in all the cosmos?


Throughout history, the vast majority of earthlings have accepted the existence of non-human intelligent life forms, ranging from “angels” to “jinn”, “nagas” or “dragons” to “nature spirits”, and “little people” to “bigfoot” or “yeti”. These beings may be seen as superior, equal or inferior to human earthlings, but in any case at least some of them have been widely accepted as actual, active entities.

They may live underground or elsewhere on our planet concealed from us. More often, however, they seem to come from beyond the sky, either from visible planets or constellations or else from dimensions or “heavens” beyond ordinary human perception.

For just one example, the Dogon people of western Africa claim that amphibious beings they call Nommos, from a planet in the Sirius star system, visited them millennia ago. They say these “gods” taught them the arts of civilization.

Incredibly, the Dogon have been aware at least for many centuries that Sirius is a triple star system. They even have long known details about the orbital periods of the three Sirius stars, that Sirius B is extremely small but dense and has an elliptical orbit relatively close around Sirius A, while Sirius C traces an almost circular and distant path around Sirius A and B.

The Dogon were aware of all this, as well as that Jupiter has four main moons and that Saturn has rings, centuries before Western astronomers discovered them. These facts were known to ancient Egyptians and Sumerians, too, who like the Dogon had advanced knowledge of the solar system (see Robert Temple’s The Sirius Mystery and The Sirius Mystery: Answering the Critics).


Although they often enough appear upon earth in other ways, these extra-terrestrial intelligent life forms mostly seem to arrive in some sort of vessel. These “flying ships” or “fiery chariots” have been reported for thousands of years, but since the mid-twentieth century more and more people all over the world have been seeing disc-like, triangular, cigar-shaped or other types of unidentified craft (“UFOs”, frequently “flying saucers”). About 15% of Americans, according to both a 1990 Gallup poll and a 2007 AP poll (www.answers.com/Q/How_many_people_have_seen_a_UFO), and as many as 50% in some other countries like Peru, according to informal surveys, say they have seen them with their own eyes. These objects usually move silently, hovering in one place or flying at unbelievably fast speeds and often making sharp turns almost instantaneously.

Observers of UFOs include not only ordinary people, but police officers, airline pilots and astronauts like Gordon Cooper and Edgar Mitchell (www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhxxHxIEmO4). Even leading politicians including U.S. President Jimmy Carter have filed reports that they have seen UFOs (www.ufoevidence.org/cases/case294.htm).

The American military is said to have recovered a number of “flying saucers” that have crashed—along with the crews’ bodies, some of them still alive. For example, on July 8, 1947, the U.S. Army Air Force issued a press release reporting one of the most famous of these incidents, in Roswell, New Mexico – though later trying to cover it up (www.openminds.tv/wp-content/uploads/RoswellDailyRecordJuly8_1947.jpg).

Over 500 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses have testified to their direct, personal, firsthand experience with UFOs and sometimes their occupants, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret (www.disclosureproject.org).


In 2011 an Australian newspaper asked its readers about UFOs and extraterrestrials and reported that 60% of the poll’s nearly 2,000 respondents believed that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth and – which may be astonishing to some – no less than about one in five (20%) claimed to have personally met an extraterrestrial (www.openminds.tv/australian-newspaper-poll-shows-most-readers-believe-in-aliens-637/8734).

According to a 2013 poll in the USA, nearly half of all Americans believe UFOs may be extraterrestrial craft (www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/11/48-percent-of-americans-believe-in-ufos_n_3900669.html). An estimated six to ten million Americans (2-3%: www.alienresistance.org/ufo-alien-deception/recent-polls-trends-belief-aliens-ufos/ ) say they have met and talked with these crafts’ occupants, who are intelligent and often say they have come from outer space. (Generally they seem to communicate telepathically.)

Some of these non-human beings look very much like us. Others have facial features or skin looking more like reptiles, insects, birds, cats or even whales. However, it is interesting that almost all of them seem to have two eyes on a head and two arms ending in hands with fingers, or sometimes claws, and stand upright on two feet.

The best-known of these today, who generally are not much more than four feet tall and have large, dark almond-shaped eyes, are usually called “grays” after their skin color. It has been widely reported that they are abducting human beings, perhaps as part of some genetic experimentation and hybridization program. It is even rumored that the U.S. government, in exchange for advanced technology, has signed treaties with these “grays” (or their overseers) permitting these abductions – and promising to conceal their presence (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/exopolitica/esp_exopolitics_Q_0.htm).


Where have these beings come from? Why is it so hard to find out more about them?

Some of these beings claim to be extraterrestrials, not only from the Sirius star system (8.6 light years from earth), but also from Alpha Centauri (4.4 light years, the closest star system to our own), Zeta Reticuli (39 light years), Arcturus (36.7 light years), the Pleiades (average 444 light years), or from the Orion constellation, either Rigel (860 light years) or Betelguese (640 light years). Some are even said to come from the Andromeda galaxy, 2.5 million light years away, who obviously must possess faster-than-light travel technologies.

Others of these visitors to earth seem to reside in other time/space dimensions than ours, and are therefore called “extradimensionals” or “interdimensionals”.

However, some of them may have lived on or in this planet as long, or even longer, than we have. Indeed, there is evidence that we are genetically related to more than one of these races. Some evidently have hidden further knowledge about themselves from us for their own protection, others because they felt we were not ready to meet them.


Why are these beings here, and what do they want from us, if anything? They seem to come from many different groups, and each may have its own agenda.

Most evidently are here simply to observe and learn about our planet, much as students go on a field trip just to learn about a new place. A number of others want to help us resolve the massive ecological and other problems we are facing.

There are reports that still other species, who might be either trying to adapt their race to live on our planet, or who are finding it difficult to reproduce their kind at all, are here to acquire our DNA. With it they may hope to genetically engineer hybrid children who will be more compatible with earth’s atmosphere, or just more fertile.

Finally, it is said that a few technologically advanced but spiritually immature alien groups are trying to gain total control over humanity, whether to use us as their slaves, or as objects for commercial trade, or even as food – to suck our energy if not eat our bodies.

Fortunately, such technocratic species are not as numerous or powerful as the spiritually more mature ones, who for a limited time have let these enemies of humanity try to dominate earth only because they honor free will. Also, these angelic beings recognize that there are benefits for human growth in allowing us to struggle against such enemies, much like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon.


Several of the few hostile and deceitful alien species, sometimes called “fallen angels”, along with their earthly minions, have been manipulating humanity for millennia. They have long planned to inflict massive suffering on humanity one day – the present time! – in an attempt to trick or force us to surrender to their control.

Fortunately, that evil agenda has been nullified. In response to the growing good deeds, determination and prayers of millions of sincere human (and other) beings, these self-serving forces have been checkmated by a more powerful angelic presence. The fallen ones are now being forced to recognize that their ancient scheme to enslave the human race has failed and – except for the most stubborn ones – they are accepting their defeat.


What is our relationship with these various non-human intelligent species, and what will the future of our interaction be?

Our enduring relationship with all of these beings is that we are members of one cosmic family. Some are long-lost siblings or cousins, others are our elders, while some are the “black sheep” of the family. Some (with time-travel technology) may even be our own descendants from the future.

On our planet, for thousands of years the diverse races of humanity have to some extent developed separately. This separation, unfortunately, often has resulted in suspicion or fear of our differences, leading to conflict. However, the different segments of humankind now are mixing more and more. Evidently before long the human race will become one single, fully united family, with a range of colors and racial characteristics.

Similarly, the different types of intelligent beings in our galaxy – what to speak of in other galaxies – have largely developed separately. Although we may or may not have had a common source, we are learning that our DNA overlaps much more than had been expected. In many cases, even when the external forms appear quite different, we are genetically compatible.


Are human-alien hybrids really possible? The Bible may record an early example, where “sons of the gods” or superhuman beings called “Nephilim” are said to have fathered extraordinary children with human women (Genesis 6:4):

“The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterwards, when the ‘sons of the gods’ had intercourse with the daughters of men who bore them children. They were the heroes of old who were men of renown.”

(“Nephilim”—formerly incorrectly translated as “giants”—is derived from the Hebrew root nfl, “to fall” or “to be cast down”. Early Jewish and Christian commentators usually understood them to be fallen angels, as “Nephilim” literally means “those who were cast down [from heaven to earth]”.)

Many other ancient texts, such as the Sanskrit Mahabharata, also speak of hybrid children of human and non-human species.

For example, in the Mahabharata the human prince Arjuna is abducted by the infatuated naga princess Ulupi (1.216.13 in M.N. Dutt’s translation). Nagas are intelligent humanoid reptilians with paranormal powers who usually live underwater or underground, but can also soar in the sky and change their shape. After Ulupi convinces him to marry her (1.216.33), Arjuna and his naga wife have a powerful hybrid son, Iravan, who is described as “mounting on the sky,… capable of assuming any form at will, confounding [his enemy] with his illusive powers…” (3.91.63-64).

Similarly, Arjuna’s strapping brother Bhima and his non-human wife, the Rakshasi (giant demoness) Hidimbi, produce the enormous hybrid Ghatotkaca, whose name refers to his huge bald head. Regarding Ghatotkaca, it is said, “Having… celerity of motion and excessive strength, he had nothing human in him, though born of a man” (1.157.33-34).


The writer of this paper has been contacted by wise and loving “aliens” at least since the age of nine. They have allowed me to board their disc-shaped craft, and I have felt they are my best friends and one of them my true, caring mother. Their soft eyes, though somewhat different than ours, are filled with parental compassion and concern for us.

They always have assured me that, despite facing grave peril, humanity has a glorious future. They have been obliged to intervene repeatedly to disable fully-armed American, British and Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles that were about to be deployed (see, for examples, www.cufon.org/cufon/malmstrom/malm1.htm and www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/ufo/8028499/Aliens-are-sabotaging-British-and-US-nuclear-missiles-US-military-pilots-claim.html).

In 1984 these well-wishers of humanity prevented an imminent atomic war between India and Pakistan that would have become worldwide. And in the autumn of 1998, they let me know that the final threat to humanity, a looming nuclear holocaust along with an inter-dimensional “war in heaven” foreseen by many prophets and psychics, including Nostradamus, would not take place as destined the next summer (see Nostradamus X.72: “In the year 1999, seventh month, from the sky will come a great king of terror.” For this and many other 1999 prophesies of doom that were not fulfilled, see www.religioustolerance.org/end_wrl9.htm).

However, those who were trying to start this war were allowed (on September 11, 2001) to carry out one part of their long-standing but now failing plan to finalize their control of the planet.


The long-feared World War III or “Armageddon” has been avoided. The prophesied “Day of Judgment” or humanity’s “Final Exam” is indeed underway today, right on schedule (see The Synchronicity Key by David Wilcock). However, its predicted extreme agony, though still horribly painful, has been greatly reduced.

As we meet our galactic family, we will learn our place in the cosmos and our true history. We will then understand why our planet has been suffering for so long at the hands of selfish manipulators. Within a short time, Earth will become a delightful and beautiful place without having to fully undergo the long-foretold devastating destruction of “the last days”.

This will bring about fundamental change in the structure of human society. War will be abolished and world peace will become a reality. Deception and exploitation will be replaced by openness and caring for one other. Indeed, dishonesty will become literally impossible as telepathy becomes increasingly widespread.


Today, in fact, an interstellar family of many formerly distinct intelligent life forms is forming. The genetic experimentation creating hybrids is not only (as has been often claimed) just a self-serving design of “infertile aliens” to save their own dying race by callously harvesting human DNA, nor a plan of “space invaders” to infiltrate and occupy our planet.

Rather, that effort is only part of a much broader pro-active hybridization program to bring out the best characteristics of all intelligent life forms and simultaneously to minimize conflict between them by creating familial bonds. Our “rainbow race”—consisting not only of all human beings but including all intelligent life—is now becoming a galactic reality.

Despite the horrible wars going on today, world peace is at our doorstep. Thankfully, the time is not distant when the truth about intelligent life forms throughout our universe will become common knowledge. Before long the fallen races will be rehabilitated or quarantined, and an extended period of universal peace, progress and prosperity will ensue. Even while remaining active and alert in our current struggle against an adverse old order, let us happily join hands with all willing members of our emerging cosmic rainbow family!