Category Archives: Extraterrestrial Spirituality

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (11): Extraterrestrial Concepts of the Sub-Creators

25 August, 2019

Extraterrestrial Concepts of the Sub-Creators and Their Co-Creators

There are millions and billions of galaxies or universes within the material cosmos, and each one has its own sub-creator who is sent by the Supreme Original Creator, the Source of everything, Allah or God, for this purpose. These sub-creators are very special and intimate servitors of God, who are supplied all the ingredients for creating their universe by God and who are given authority over their universe to the extent of establishing the natural laws for their creation.

Along with this sub-creator, God sends at least two other celestial personalities, one as his co-creator assistant and the other as his holy friend and advisor. I believe, as extraterrestrial sources confirm, that Jesus Christ or Hazrat Isa (as) was the appearance on Earth of our sub-creator, as the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the appearance on Earth of his supernal friend and advisor.

You may watch the entire class here:

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (10): Extraterrestrial Concepts of the Chief Servants of God

18 August, 2019

In this class we discuss concepts about the Chief Servants of God according to several extraterrestrial sources.

Last week we mentioned that each “universe” or “galaxy” in the created material cosmos has several chief servants of God, or Allah, the One Supreme Source of everything. Similarly the eternal, uncreated spiritual world also has several chief servants of God.

These include the “first” eternal servant of God, who is always the servant of Allah because he is dependent upon Allah, but is extremely powerful and majestic – from our perspective, unlimitedly and equally so. (Of course “first” does not mean first in time, since everything in the spiritual world is eternal and uncreated.)

There is another unlimitedly powerful eternal servant of God who could also be called “first” but who is characterized especially not by power and majesty but by sweetness, kindness and mercy.

One other way to describe the difference between these two “first” servants of God is that one is when Allah looks “outward” and the other when Allah looks “inward”. This way of talking is really inadequate, for Allah includes everything so has no “inner” and “outer”.

You may view the class here:

Attend our weekly live Institute of All Intelligent Life class on “Extraterrestrial Spirituality” at at 8 pm Sunday Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time). There is also a weekly live Facebook chat in Urdu every Saturday at 8 pm Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time).

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (9): Extraterrestrial Teachings about the Leading Personalities of our Part of the Material World

11 August, 2019

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (9): Class on Extraterrestrial Teachings about the Structure and Leading Personalities of our Part of the Material World, followed by questions and answers.

There are many, many parts of the material world, each of which is called by various extraterrestrials as a “universe” or a “galaxy” but is likely quite different than what we usually mean by these terms. Each of these parts is engineered by its own “sub-creator” who is chosen and sent for this purpose by the one Supreme Creator and Source of everything, God or Allah.

At least two other exalted personalities are sent by God along with this “sub-creator” (who is usually, but perhaps not always, designated as masculine). One of these is the intimate partner and is usually described as the feminine “co-creator” of each part of the material world, but is not exactly the “wife” of the “sub-creator”. Another of these holy souls is like a close friend and advisor of the “sub-creator”.

According to some extraterrestrial sources such as the Urantia Book, Jesus Christ, also known as Hazrat Isa (as), is an appearance on our planet of the “sub-creator” of our part of the material world. He is quoted in the New Testament as saying, “Before Abraham was, I am” (John 8:58). Other sources maintain that the Virgin Mary is the appearance here of our “co-creator”. Similarly, I believe that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) is the same personality who originally accompanied our “sub-creator” as his close friend and advisor while his holy daughter Fatima Zohra (ra) may be another appearance of our “co-creator”.

You may view the entire class here:

Attend our weekly live Institute of All Intelligent Life class on “Extraterrestrial Spirituality” at at 8 pm Sunday Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time). There is also a weekly live Facebook chat in Urdu every Saturday at 8 pm Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time).

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (8): Extraterrestrial Teachings about the Structure of the Cosmos

4 August, 2019

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (8): Class on Extraterrestrial Teachings about the Structure of the Cosmos, followed by questions and answers. The Cosmos exists in two parts, the created material world and the eternal, uncreated spiritual world. The former is vast beyond our comprehension, consisting of millions and billions of galaxies, each of which contains millions and billions of stars, each of which has its planets and their huge numbers of inhabitants. However the latter, consisting of uncountable glowing spiritual universes, is even greater. The material world is by nature dark, full of ignorance and suffering, while the spiritual world is full of knowledge and awareness, and everyone there is eternally blissful. View the class here:

Attend our weekly live Institute of All Intelligent Life class on “Extraterrestrial Spirituality” at at 8 pm Sunday Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time). There is also a weekly live Facebook chat in Urdu every Saturday at 8 pm Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time).

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (7): Extraterrestrial Concepts of God and the Soul

28 July, 2019

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (7): Class about Extraterrestrial Concepts of God and the Soul, followed by questions and answers. God is like the sun, and the soul is like a sun ray. (I was attending a family reunion in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada, so before beginning this class I introduced some of my relatives.) You may view the class here:

Attend our weekly live Institute of All Intelligent Life class on “Extraterrestrial Spirituality” at at 8 pm Sunday Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time). There is also a weekly live Facebook chat in Urdu every Saturday at 8 pm Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time).

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (6): Extraterrestrial Concepts of God

24 July, 2019

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (6): Class about Extraterrestrial Concepts of God, followed by questions and answers. God is considered by some extraterrestrials as “Intelligent Infinity” or “Infinite Intelligence” – as explained in the series of books, The Law of One. View the class here:

Attend our weekly live Institute of All Intelligent Life class on “Extraterrestrial Spirituality” at at 8 pm Sunday Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time). There is also a weekly live Facebook chat in Urdu every Saturday at 8 pm Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time).

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (5): Sightings of ETs at classified U.S. facilities

7 July, 2019

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (5): Class about “Sightings of extraterrestrials at classified facilities or operations” from Dr. Michael Salla’s book Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life, followed by questions and answers. View the class here:

Attend our weekly live Institute of All Intelligent Life class on “Extraterrestrial Spirituality” at at 8 pm Sunday Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time). There is also a weekly live Facebook chat in Urdu every Saturday at 8 pm Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time).

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (4): Official U.S. Agreements with Extraterrestrials

23 June, 2019

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (4): English chat about “Official Agreements with Extraterrestrials” from Dr. Michael Salla’s book Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life, followed by many good questions and answers such as, “Is there any source to confirm that how much far away human traveled in space till now? Is travel outside our sun system? Or galaxy?” and “Can you talk more about Corey Goode’s story…when and how did humans leave the solar system?” and “Do you believe in Ancient Aliens?”

After this, in response to other excellent questions, I spoke about the current US-Iran situation, President Trump, North Korea, Saddam Hussain, President Zia, and the 20th- and 21st-century Sunni-Shia fighting which has been mostly created by neo-colonialists and other evil people using the CIA. View the class here:

This class was cut off when I lost the internet connection, so I continued with a short additional chat:

Attend our weekly live Institute of All Intelligent Life class on “Extraterrestrial Spirituality” at at 8 pm Sunday Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time). There is also a weekly live Facebook chat in Urdu every Saturday at 8 pm Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time).

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (3). My third meeting with an extraterrestrial, in 1998

16 June, 2019

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (3). My third meeting with an extraterrestrial, in 1998, and my being taken off planet to observe a meeting of many extraterrestrials discussing whether to stop a nuclear war on earth that was expected to start in 1999. This is followed by my first English chat about “Meetings between U.S. President Eisenhower and extraterrestrials” from Dr. Michael Salla’s book Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life.

View the class here:

After losing the internet connection, I continued this class with a chat about “Meetings between U.S. President Eisenhower and extraterrestrials” from Dr. Michael Salla’s book Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life and answered questions such as what the extraterrestrials I have met look like, whether destiny can be changed, and “Is it true that ETs developed the technology to travel faster than the speed of light? If it is true then did they provide this technology to US?”

Attend our weekly live Institute of All Intelligent Life class on “Extraterrestrial Spirituality” at at 8 pm Sunday Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time). There is also a weekly live Facebook chat in Urdu every Saturday at 8 pm Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time).

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (2): My second meeting with an extraterrestrial

June 2, 2019

Extraterrestrial Spirituality (2): My second meeting with an extraterrestrial, when I was about 45 years old. This ET looked the same age as she did when I was 9 years old (about 30 years old), and she later explained that her people live for thousands of years. Although I was drawn up into the air to her flying saucer, there was clear physical proof that this was an actual bodily meeting, not a dream or hallucination.

View the class here:

I had to interrupt this class about my second meeting with an extraterrestrial, so I started it again as soon as I could. I was able to answer two questions, “Was the Buddha in contact with ETs, and “Is there any way for a common man to contact ETs? Any methodology?” (I lost the internet connection signal so this second part of this class was cut short, but you may view it here:)

Attend our weekly live Institute of All Intelligent Life class on “Extraterrestrial Spirituality” at at 8 pm Sunday Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time). There is also a weekly live Facebook chat in Urdu every Saturday at 8 pm Pakistan time (7/8 am California standard/daylight savings time).