Frequently Asked Questions

Topics in this FAQs:









Q A1: Who is Allan Keislar?

A: Allan Keislar is the Founder of Pak Rasta (“A Pure Way”—a non-sectarian spiritual movement encouraging persons of all nations, races and religions to work together promoting love, truth, justice and goodness), and the co-Founder (with his wife and teacher Carol Keislar) of the Institute of All Intelligent Life (—an educational institution integrating extraterrestrial knowledge and spirituality, scientific and philosophical thought, and the teachings of all religions).

Q A2: How do Pak Rasta and the Institute of All Intelligent Life achieve their goals?

Pak Rasta encourages everyone to follow their own faith or realization, regularly praying or meditating, focusing on the Highest Truth or Original Source, or on a holy personality one loves, especially by reciting the Names of God or of that beloved person. It stresses that people of varying backgrounds should cooperate and even worship together, seeing each other as co-workers in the field of life, members of complementary rather than contradictory or antagonistic missions.

The Institute of All Intelligent Life offers courses on extraterrestrial spirituality. universal history and cosmology (including secret space programs), transdimensional philosophy and practice, multi-religious understanding, and other related topics. It also publishes articles and books on these issues, including “Our Rainbow Family of All Intelligent Life”, “Timeline Wars and Love”, God’s Face Among Us: A Children’s Introduction to World Religions and the first part of The Science of God: Towards a Multi-Religious Theology.

Q A3: What is Allan’s aim and purpose in life?

A: Since his early childhood, as instructed by his Christian missionary parents, Allan has always wanted only to “do the will of God” and work towards establishing “the Kingdom of God on Earth”.

As a child and youth growing up in Pakistan and India, seeing firsthand the misunderstandings and even hatred between people of different faiths and countries, Allan decided to dedicate his life to work towards ending these conflicts. Later, he concluded that knowledge obtained from scientific and philosophical study as well as from extraterrestrial sources should also be incorporated along with multi-religious sources into any attempt to promote a unified understanding of truth.

Starting in the early 1980’s, Allan met a number of Sufis and spiritual personalities who instructed him that Pakistan is a chosen land where the eternal truths of religion, as well as love between persons of formerly antagonistic religions, will be re-established, leading to world peace. Therefore, he has made his aim and purpose in life to promote international and especially inter-religious understanding and cooperation, beginning in Pakistan.

Q A4: What are Allan’s educational qualifications and academic experience?

A: Allan has M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, in South Asian languages (Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Persian) and religions (Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism), and an interdisciplinary B.A. degree from the University of the Pacific, Stockton, California. He has taught at U.C. Berkeley as Graduate Student Instructor of South Asian Studies, at the Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley) as Adjunct Professor of World Religions, at Forman Christian College (Lahore, Pakistan) as Professor of History and Pakistan Studies, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) as Visiting Scholar of South Asian Culture and Religion, at Woodland Community College (Woodland, California) as Adjunct Professor of World Religions and now at the Institute of All Intelligent Life (Esparto, California) as Professor of Universe Studies.

Q A5: When and where was Allan born? Who were his parents and family? Where is his home?

A: Allan was born on 6 July, 1947, in Mussoorie, British India, just 40 days before Independence, when Pakistan came into existence at midnight of 14/15 August. His parents, Rev. Marvin Keislar and Mrs. Mary Keislar, were American Christian missionaries working in Khanewal, Punjab, but during the hot summer weather they were in the cool Himalayan hill station of Mussoorie. Another 40 days later, on 24 September, Rev. and Mrs. Keislar took their young son Allan and his older sister Marilee home to Khanewal, on the last train from India to Pakistan in 1947.

The Keislars spent two years in Khanewal, which was Allan’s first home, and after that for one year they were in Los Angeles, California, where all Allan’s grandparents were living at the time. The next year the four members of the young family moved to Lahore. They first stayed on the campus of F.C. College, and then at 15-A Warris Road, near Mozang (a center of kite-flying, which Allan loved). His earliest memories are of Lahore, where his family—including a younger brother Doug and sister Jeanie, born in 1951 and 1954—lived until 1956.

After one more year in the United States, where Rev. Keislar taught at Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, and Allan for the first time met an extraterrestrial being (see Question G1 below), the six Keislars moved to Raiwind, near Lahore. The family lived here from 1957 until 1963, while the children attended Woodstock School in Mussoorie. At that time Raiwind was a minor village without electricity; Rev. Keislar served as principal of the Raiwind Christian Institute while Mrs. Keislar taught there.

In 1963-’64, the Keislar family returned for a year to Berkeley, California, where Rev. and Mrs. Keislar had first met and lived after they were married, and Allan made his home from 1988-2010. After having lived in several different places in the U.S.A. and Asia, Allan finally settled in the small community of Esparto, 40 miles (60 km.) from the California capital of Sacramento, in the northern part of the state.

Q A6: Who is Allan’s wife?

A: Carol (or Carolina) Ann Keislar, known in spiritual circles as Grandmother Ka’lili and by other names, is a very spiritually blessed and intuitive person. She is not only Allan’s beloved wife but also his spiritual teacher.

Q A7: When and how did Allan and his wife meet?

A. In July, 2010, Allan met his future wife at a conference organized by native American spiritual leaders in Farmington, New Mexico, USA. An inner voice had guided him to the conference, where Grandmother Ka’lili was one of the presenters. Allan arrived the evening before the conference after driving for 24 hours with hardly a stop to rest. Although he was exhausted, he heard that same voice again and followed its instruction: “Go down to the main conference meeting room!” There, Grandmother Ka’lili happened to be leading some unscheduled spiritual drumming and singing. Allan, along with other participants, joined in the music and soon became immersed in an ocean of ecstasy.

The next morning, an elderly lady who had been observing this spontaneous event approached Allan and told him, “I watched and listened to you and Grandmother Ka’lili singing and drumming last night. Thank you so much! I was overwhelmed by the power and beauty of your holy performance! I have been a spiritual teacher for fifty years and now have thousands of disciples; I always tell them they must purify their hearts. But now all the shackles on my heart have been shattered and I have been purified just by hearing your music! I would like to give you the first fifteen minutes of my presentation scheduled for tomorrow to do this same singing and drumming so that everyone in this conference can benefit from it. Will you please do that?”

Allan was surprised that this lady thought he was connected with Grandmother Ka’lili, but promised to look for her and ask her if she would agree to this. Of course she did, and their performance the next day was the beginning of a spiritual partnership that has continued ever since.

Later that day, the same divine voice that had guided Allan to Farmington and then to meet Grandmother Ka’lili, clearly told him to accept her as his spiritual teacher, repeatedly instructing him, “Just serve Ka’lili!” A number of the native American leaders there also mysteriously confirmed this, and Allan’s four grandparents did, too, as they visibly appeared to him in a vision, dancing happily in great joy.

Q A8: How many children does Allan have?

A: Allan has two daughters and one son by his first wife.

Q A9: Where can I contact Allan? What is his WhatsApp number? What is his address?

A: You can contact Allan on his Facebook live chats, which currently happen every Saturday and some other days at 7:30 / 6:30 a.m. California daylight savings / standard time (7:30 p.m. Pakistan time, 8:00 p.m. India time), followed by a YouTube live chat on his channel, If you join these live chats, you can ask Allan questions and if possible he will read and answer them. Allan does not use WhatsApp and is generally unable to answer phone calls or emails.

You may write Allan on Facebook Messenger, or comment on a recent post on his Facebook page ( or a recent YouTube video. However, please understand that Allan may not be able to reply (and may not even see) such messages as he does not have any assistant or secretary. If you have a private issue or do not want to comment publicly on his live chats and want to make sure he sees your message, please write him at his current mailing address, P. O. Box 482, Esparto, CA 95627, USA. If you do this and wish to receive a reply, please include your Messenger ID.


Q B1: Has Allan had psychic experiences?

A: Allan has often experienced telepathic communication, as well as out-of-body travel, altered states of consciousness, lucid dreaming, remote viewing and telekinesis, etc.

Q B2: What was Allan’s first significant psychic experience?

A: In 1966, when Allan was nineteen years old, the young daughter of one of his college professors died. Several days later, while writing in his journal, Allan felt her presence and that she was asking him to write something to her parents from her. Allan then transcribed fifteen or twenty pages and later, with great hesitation, showed it to this professor and his wife. With tears in their eyes, they both immediately accepted this as their daughter’s message for them, telling the astonished Allan that it was written in her handwriting (which Allan had never seen).

Q 3B: Can you tell about another of Allan’s early striking psychic experiences?

A: During his early 20’s when Allan was a university student and graduate student instructor in biology at Alabama State University, Montgomery, Alabama (January, 1970—December, 1971), he worked in the biology laboratory. There was a Geiger counter in that lab that recorded the decay of radioactive particles. Once, out of curiosity, Allan wondered if he could influence the rate of decay simply with his mind. When he tried it, Allan was shocked to discover that, simply by willing it, he could not only very significantly increase this rate, but could also practically stop it for some time.

Q B4: Can you give details of any psychic experience Allan had that saved his life?

A: In November, 1997, a dangerous serial car thief, well-known to the police in San Francisco, tried to kill Allan in an isolated place to hijack his car. As the criminal placed his gun right on Allan’s head and pulled the trigger, Allan calmly went into an altered state of consciousness and the gun misfired. When the killer tried to shoot Allan a second time and the gun misfired again, he became so angry that he repeatedly smashed the barrel of his gun into Allan’s temple, causing a significant wound with a lot of bleeding; the resulting damaged tissue can still be felt on the side of Allan’s head today.

Fortunately, at that time a motorist happened to drive by and, seeing Allan’s bloodied head, parked a short distance away and called the police. Seeing this, the killer fled. When the police arrived and Allan later asked them if the gun possibly had not been loaded, the officer replied that this was impossible as this hardened criminal would never have taken such a risk.

Q B5: What was Allan’s most significant psychic experience? Please tell fully how and when it happened.

A: One of the most significant of Allan’s psychic experiences was when he left his body in meditation and met the late Robert Monroe. Dr. Monroe, author of the 1971 classic Journeys Out of the Body, had been the leading Western teacher of out-of-body travel in the twentieth century. Monroe had written in his last book, Ultimate Journey (1994), that in his most distant out-of-body travels he would eventually come to a barrier he could not pass through, nor could he find any way to get around or over or under it, as it seemed to have no limit in any direction; he always wondered what was beyond it and whether it was possible to get there.

In more than one out-of-body journey in November, 2004, Allan met and became familiar with Monroe, who had passed on from this world almost ten years earlier. During their final meeting, the two of them traveled to that barrier, which appeared to be an infinite mass of constantly slashing razor-sharp swords. Allan said, “Bob, I know you wrote that you wanted to get to the other side of this.” (In an earlier meeting, Monroe had asked Allan to call him “Bob”.)

Monroe answered eagerly, “Yes, I’ve been wanting and trying to do that forever! Can you help me?”

“Yes, you can cross this barrier,” Allan replied. “But to do it, you’ll have to be willing to give up everything you have, including all your knowledge.”

Monroe shook his head and explained, “I can give up everything else, but as a scientist there’s no way I could ever give up my knowledge. It’s the most important thing to me, even more precious than my life!”

Allan then suggested, “Well, could you try this as a scientific experiment, or even just as a mental game? Just imagine that you’re setting side everything you have, including all your knowledge.”

Monroe, after pausing and thinking for a short while, answered, “Okay. Yes, I can do that.”

They both then meditated for a while on being free from all encumbrances of any kind. Shortly, Allan asked, “Bob, give me your hand!” and, taking it, led Monroe right through that barrier of slashing swords! As they reached the other side, they found themselves in a world of blinding light. After adjusting for a minute, they could see uncountable numbers of what appeared to be unlimited spherical universes shining with brilliant light. Monroe, thanking Allan, at once took off towards the nearest shining sphere and Allan, who had been there before, returned to this world. When Allan told two of Monroe’s closest students about this and his other meetings with their teacher, they both confirmed, recognizing that this is exactly how Monroe would have acted and spoken, “That’s Bob!”

Q B6: Can we also have psychic experiences or develop psychic abilities, and if so how?

A: Yes, everyone can have psychic experiences. In fact, when we sleep at night and have dreams, those are often “out-of-body” experiences. All human beings have natural psychic abilities, and at this present special time of human history we are able to develop them more easily. Earth is scheduled to soon join many planets in our galaxy in becoming telepathic. Meditation, including calling on the Names of God (zikr or jap), is an important spiritual practice that also leads to enhancing our inborn psychic talents. There are many good literatures and institutions teaching how to develop psychic powers like out-of-body travel, remote viewing, etc., notably Dr. Robert Monroe’s books and his Monroe Institute ( Pray and do your own research!


Question C1: Has Allan seen visions or met spiritual beings?

A: Yes, Allan has been blessed by seeing in dreams or in visions, hearing voices within himself or externally, or even physically meeting and talking with some of the most famous saints and spiritual personalities of history. These holy ones have all approved Allan’s desire to make his life’s purpose resolving the apparent contradictions between the world’s religious traditions by accepting and appreciating them all, integrating them with both science and extraterrestrial spirituality. Several of these divine experiences are related in response to other questions in this FAQ’s sections E and F below, “Meetings with Great Sufi Saints” and “Meetings with Prophets and Holy Beings”.

Q C2: Is Allan a spiritual person or a religious person?

A: All his life Allan tried to be a religious person, but since 2010 when he met his spiritual teacher, Grandmother Ka’lili, he has realized that being religious is not very important and he has tried to follow her teachings and example to become more spiritual.

Q C3: What great saints or other spiritual personalities has Allan met and what did they tell him?

A: During the 1980’s in Pakistan, Allan was granted the audience of a number of the greatest spiritual patrons of that country, including Allama Iqbal, Baba Shams in Multan, Baba Farid Ganj Shakar in Pakpattan, and even, starting in 1995, the Holy Prophet Muhammad himself. They confirmed that one day Allan should establish a movement to be called “Pak Rasta” to work for peace, progress, unity, love and justice in Pakistan and around the world, but they never instructed him to “become a Muslim”. In fact, in December, 1984, Baba Farid Ganj Shakar specifically told Allan (who at that time desperately wanted to become the Baba’s disciple) that he should continue as the student of his late spiritual master Prabhupada, who most people would consider a Hindu (though Prabhupada himself rejected this identification).

Allan surrendered himself totally to these holy personalities’ guidance and was prepared to become the disciple of any of them, yet none of them indicated to Allan that he should change his way of life. Indeed, although Allan was not a Muslim in 1995, the Holy Prophet appeared to him and told him, “Just go on doing what you are doing.” However, when he spoke clearly to Allan the next time, in 2012, Hazrat Muhammad surprised Allan by telling him, “You are already a Muslim; you have recited the kalima hundreds of times.” Yet at that time he did not instruct Allan to follow any Muslim practices, even to begin saying namaz (the daily required Muslim prayers) or regularly study the Holy Qur’an. Indeed, shortly after Allan began praying namaz five times a day in 2017 on the insistence of some Muslim friends, the Messenger of Allah came to him again and informed him that anyone, of any religion, who faithfully follows the teachings of their faith, is a Muslim. The Holy Prophet of Islam even specifically stated that the followers of Baba Guru Nanak Sahib are true Muslims and that Pakistan will become successful only after recognizing this.

Q C4: If one can really see the Prophet Muhammad or other Prophets or saints, whether in dreams, in vision, or even externally, is it alright for anyone who wants such a blessing to pray for it? And what else could one do for it?

A: Everyone can pray to God for such a blessing as seeing the Holy Prophets, whether in dream or otherwise. The result is up to God, Who can do anything without any restriction. However, it may not be good for someone to see any of the Prophets of God, as he or she might become proud or even neglectful of others because of such an experience. The acceptance of prayers is in the hand of God Almighty.

Zikr, or jap (selfless, heartfelt, repeated calling on the Names of God) is the most recommended prayer and most powerful way to achieve anything. In addition to praying, such prayers may more likely be fulfilled if one performs other good deeds, too, such as fasting and going on pilgrimage—but especially being kind and loving to others, forgiving them, taking care of orphans and those who are in need, etc. Of all these holy acts, the greatest is to humbly help others draw nearer to the Lord and His beloved servitors, teaching not only by words but especially by personal example. Following the path set by the Holy Prophets, we should always ease the suffering of others, including animals and even helpless trees and plants. The Supreme Beloved loves these little good deeds very much. If the Almighty sees it would be good for you to meet the Holy Prophet in one way or another, then you may.

Q C5: Who is Allan’s spiritual teacher?

A: Grandmother Ka’lili, or Carol Keislar, a spiritual disciple of the great sage Khizr (Melchizedek, who instructed even Prophets like Abraham and Moses), is now Allan’s main spiritual teacher and also his beloved wife.

Q C6: Which prayer (Darood Sharif) was given to Allan by a Sufi teacher in Rawalpindi, who said that by reciting it Allan would receive ziyarat (audience) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad?

A: The Darood Sharif-i-Ibrahimi, which is recited in namaz, was given to Allan in Rawalpindi by a Sufi teacher, Sajjad-ul-Haq Qureshi, who blessed Allan that, by reciting it repeatedly, he would meet the Holy Prophet Muhammad. (Note: Kindly be aware that when Sajjad-ul-Haq Qureshi Sahib gave Allan the blessing that by reciting this Darood Pak he would meet the Holy Prophet, he also specifically told Allan that he was giving this blessing to him only, not to anyone else, and that he was not giving Allan the power to pass this blessing on to others.)

Q C7: What is the best zikr?

A: The best zikr is feelingly calling out and carefully meditating on any of the Holy Names of God, in any language. To be very effective, this chanting must be done with such intense love that tears automatically (not artificially) come to the eyes. Reciting the names of great servants of God is also zikr.

Q C8: How did Allan become convinced that there is a personal God?

A: When Allan was in high school he started reflecting on what he had been taught about religion and God from the Bible. He became particularly interested in science and mathematics as he considered that these were a source of factual knowledge and not—like religion—based only on belief. When he was 16 years old, Allan decided that he could no longer accept the existence of God without scientific evidence. Although he did understand that there must be some original Source of everything, he wondered if that Entity were really a personal God who could hear and answer prayer.

About a year and a half later, while attending church one Sunday, Allan asked God for a sign of His living and conscious presence. Allan prayed that, when he opened the hymnal, the book automatically open to the page of the prescribed hymn. After this, more than once he randomly opened the hymnal to a number that was NOT the prescribed number, but a number mathematically clearly and very easily related to it, like 274 and 247, or 133 and 266. Allan was astonished by this and, sensing that God was playing a numerical game with him, became very joyful. After this, Allan always felt God’s presence and never doubted that the Supreme Being is not only a kind and loving Person Who is personally aware of and responds to our thoughts and prayers, but also that He is a mathematician Who has a sense of humor!

Q C9: How did Allan come to love the Prophet Muhammad so much?

A: Allan spent the school year 1968 -’69 living in Karachi with his parents and he attended the University of Karachi. One of his philosophy professors, Dr. Manzoor Ahmed, assigned his students The Spirit of Islam, by the great scholar Syed Ameer Ali, as a textbook. By reading this volume, Allan realized that Muhammad is not only a Prophet of God like Moses, but is the most kind and tender-hearted person who loves everyone purely, especially children and even animals. Simply as a result of studying that book, Allan fell in love with the Messenger of Allah. Years later, Allan met him personally in vision or in audience, several times—and each time his love for the Holy Prophet increased more and more (please see section F, “Meetings with Prophets and Holy Beings”, for more information about these meetings).


Q D1: Why does Allan love Pakistan so much and why does he think Pakistan is a special place?

A: Allan was a legal resident of Pakistan for the first eighteen years of his life, which were a very happy time for him, and he has often returned there. Therefore, he naturally loves his childhood home. However, the main reason he loves Pakistan so much is that he thinks of Pakistan as an extraordinary place, a very blessed and special nation. He understands this because many great Sufis and spiritual personalities have confirmed it, even centuries ago and also to him personally, announcing that Pakistan, “the Land of the Pure”, will become the spiritual leader of the world in re-establishing pure, eternal Islam, which will lead to world peace.

Q D2: What are some Sufis’ statements or prophecies about Pakistan being a special place?

A: Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Kazmi Bari Imam who lived from 1617–1705 C.E. and settled near what is now Islamabad over 300 years ago, prophesied that a great city, the center of international Islamic influence, would one day be built in that area (information from Mumtaz Mufti’s Alakh Nagari, p. 760, citing Ambassador Qudratullah Shahab’s Shahabnama).

Fazal Shah Sahib, better known as Noor Wale Babaji, was a Sufi seer who lived from 1877-1978. Some time after the creation of Pakistan, when the country was undergoing many difficulties due largely to corrupt politicians, someone asked him, “Is Pakistan really an Islamic country?”

Noor Wale Babaji replied, “The seed is still in the ground. Soon the plant will appear, and when the flowers bloom on it, all the world will watch it in amazement!” (Mumtaz Mufti, Alakh Nagari, p. 622)

The great twentieth-century saint Hazrat Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat Ali, popularly known as Sufi Barkat Ali of Faisalabad, foretold that Pakistan will one day lead the entire planet and all the nations of the world will turn to Pakistan for direction. He lived from 1911–1997; towards the end of his life he said (, “Voh din door nahin jab Pakistan ki ‘haan’ aur ‘naan’ mein Aqwam-i-Alam ke faisle hue karenge.” (“That day is not far off when the United Nations will take Pakistan’s guidance for making any decision whatsoeveCor.”)

The Commander of the Faithful, Hazrat Ali, declared (according to the scholarly Ibn Abbas, the intimate Companion and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad): “I feel a cool breeze from Hind [the land along the Indus River, that is, Pakistan]” (Mustadrak Al-Hakim, 3954; the great scholar of hadith, al-Hakim said, “This hadith is sound on the conditions of [Sahih] Muslim” [3995]). Hazrat Ali is similarly reported to have said: “The best wind on earth is in al-Hind [Pakistan]. Adam was sent down with it [from heaven to Sri Lanka], and [on his way from there to West Asia] its trees caught some of the wind of Paradise.”

Further, Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlavi is said to have written that, according to the hadith collection Al-Mu’jam Al-Awsat of Imam Al-Tabarani, the beloved Companion Abu Huraira reported that even the Holy Prophet himself exclaimed: “I am an Arab, but Arabia is not in me; I am not from Hind [“Indus”, or Pakistan], but Hind [Pakistan] is in me” (

Q D3: Is there other evidence of Pakistan’s spiritual greatness?

A: Yes, in addition to all this, a sign of Pakistan’s special blessing is that it came into existence on the night of 14/15 August, 1947, which was the 27th day of the holy month of Ramadan, 1366 Hijri. This most important night of the year for Muslims, “better than a thousand months” (Holy Quran, Surah Qadr [97]:3), is known as the Night of Destiny (Laylatul-Qadr) or Night of Power (Shab-i-Qadr). Pious Muslims stay awake praying and reciting the Holy Qur’an through this entire night to remember the revelation of the Holy Qur’an on that day. Further, the day of the week of 27 Ramadan in 1947/1366 was the Muslim holy day, Friday.

Q D4: What does Pakistan mean to Allan?

A: Apart from being his beloved childhood home, Allan believes that the nation of Pakistan was created by divine arrangement. The Holy Prophet Muhammad appeared to Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in London in 1934 and instructed him, in English: “Mr. Jinnah! You are urgently required by the Muslims of the sub-continent and I order you to lead the freedom movement. I am with you. Do not worry. You will succeed in your mission Inshallah” (Monthly Mirrat-ul-Arifeen International, August, 2010, p. 12; this account also is told in Seerat-un-Nabi Baad Az Wasal-un-Nabi by M. Abdul Majeed Siddique Advocate, volume 7). Therefore, to Allan Pakistan is a very special place, Madinah-i-Sani (“the second Medina”), chosen by God to re-establish pure Islam as it existed in Medina 1400 years ago. For the people of Pakistan, however, being “chosen” is not only an exalted privilege, but more importantly a serious responsibility.

Q D5: Does Allan speak as well as read and write Urdu or other Pakistani languages? Does Mrs. Keislar speak Urdu?

A: Yes, having lived in Pakistan as a child, Allan speaks Urdu like a Pakistani, and he can also read and write Urdu as well as some Punjabi. Mrs. Keislar can speak only a few words of Urdu.

Q D6: Is Allan a Muslim, a Christian, or what?

A: Allan considers himself a believer and follower of all the major world religions, which are divinely revealed and mutually enhancing parts of the one timeless faith of God. This one faith or religion is called by many names including Deen-i-Islam (in Arabic, meaning “the religion of surrender [to God]”), Sanatana Dharma (in Sanskrit, meaning “the eternal religion [of God]”) and, the name he has been taught, Pak Rasta (in Urdu/Punjabi, meaning “Path of Purity” or “Pure Way”). Allan especially appreciates the teaching of Baba Guru Nanak, “There is no Hindu, there is no Muslim, so whose path shall I follow? I shall follow the path of God. God is neither Hindu nor Muslim.”

The Prophet Muhammad appeared to Allan in August, 2012 and told him that he is a true Muslim, even the best of Muslims. Indeed, at that time the Messenger of Islam told Allan that he understands what it means to be a Muslim, while those who think they understand, mostly do not. Allan explains that, according to the Prophet and his greatest faithful followers, to be a Muslim really means to be loving, truthful, just and good, performing righteous deeds with faith—whatever religious system one follows.

Allan was specifically told by the Holy Prophet in September, 2017, that anyone who sincerely follows the true teachings of any revealed religion is a Muslim. Even while many religious people think that following and promoting their own religion is their only duty, Allan has been specifically directed to adopt a “multi-religious” practice, for this is what will bring inter-religious harmony and world peace.

Therefore, Allan recites prayers from a dozen religious traditions every day and studies the scriptures of many of them. He daily repeats the Lord’s Prayer taught by Jesus Christ, the 23rd Psalm of King David, the Muslim salat or namaz— at least the fajr prayer before sunrise—, the Hindu Gayatri mantra, Buddhist, Daoist, Sikh, Jewish, Jain and Zoroastrian prayers, as well as several native American, African and Japanese invocations). Of course, there have been misinterpretations and misunderstandings in all religions; Allan is seeking to understand and correct those errors to help people of all religions work together in harmony. He feels this is the way he can best “do the will of God” and work to “establish the Kingdom of God on Earth” at this crucial time in world history.


Q E1: When and where did Allan first experience the presence of a great Sufi saint?

A: In the early 1980’s, Allan was once visiting the town of Ghotki, in northern Sindh. He awoke early one morning about 3:30 a.m. and, after bathing, sat in meditation. Chanting the Names of God in deep concentration for some time, he gradually but strongly felt the presence of a wonderful personality. He had no idea who this person was nor could he see anyone, yet he felt certain this must be a great Sufi. Allan then heard a voice speaking to him (in Punjabi):

“Pakistan da matlab ai o pak asthan jithe Hazoor-i-Pak udhe pak Musahib de nal Islam-i-Pak phir qaim kardenge.” (“Pakistan means that pure land [pak asthan] where the Holy Prophet, along with his holy Companions, will re-establish pure Islam.”) Allan could easily remember the words as they were inscribed on his heart, though he could only guess what “Islam-i-Pak” entailed. Allan also was told that one day he should start a movement to be called “Pak Rasta”, though he had no idea who this Sufi was, nor what “Pak Rasta” might be.

Allan had learned to speak simple Punjabi in Khanewal and Lahore as a child, but he had hardly visited Punjab or spoken the language for almost twenty years, so was a little uncertain about the strange sentence. So, the next time he visited Lahore he asked some friends there if this verse were in proper Punjabi and exactly what it meant. They replied that it was beautiful, poetic Punjabi, and they explained the meaning fully.

Q E2: Did this Sufi saint who spoke of “Islam-i-Pak” ever return to Allan again?

A: Yes, that same poetic personality (please see the previous question) did speak to Allan again more than once, many years later. In 2015, Allan was at a meeting in Lahore organized by his Sufi friend Syed Muzaffar Hussain Shah of Swat and attended by many of the leading ulama of the city. Right in the midst of this meeting, Allan again heard that same voice speaking firmly to him in Punjabi: “Islam-i-Pak da matlab kee, shariyat ya muhabbat?” (“What is the meaning of pure Islam, the law or love?” The voice then replied to this question with another question: “Insan-i-pak da matlab kee, jism-i-khak ya ruh-i-pak?” (“What is the meaning of the pure human being, the body of dust or the pure soul?”)

Allan shared with the ulama that he had just heard a voice clearly speaking to him. Raising his index finger to indicate that what he was repeating was coming from a spiritual source, he recited the verse. However, because of the common and frequently heated discussion and debate about the relationship of and differences between Muslim law (shariyat) and Sufi mysticism (tariqat), Muzaffar Hussain Shah Sahib responded, “Nahin, nahin! ‘shariyat ya muhabbat’ nahin—‘shariyat ya tariqat’!” (“No, no! Not ‘the law or love’—‘the law or the [Sufi] way’!”)

Allan insisted, however, that what he had heard was “shariyat ya muhabbat” so the group proceeded to discuss the relationship between the law and love in Islam. Referring to a hadith often quoted by the popular Pakistani religious scholar and preacher Maulana Tariq Jamil, Allan argued for the priority of love over law: “Muhabbat Islam ka sab se barda, sab se mazboot amal hai!” (Love is the greatest, most powerful activity [or, the most important duty] in Islam!” (

The next year, Allan visited Sialkot and was meditating in the birthplace and childhood home there of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, leading 20th century poet-philosopher and spiritual founder of Pakistan. As Allan sat alone, meditating, praying and calling on the Names of God in the room where Allama Iqbal used to meet his guests and friends, the poet spoke to him, indicating that he was the one who had taught those beautiful Punjabi verses about Pakistan and pure Islam. Allan then asked about Pak Rasta, which he envisioned as some sort of spiritual movement. Allama Iqbal, however, astonishingly replied that Pak Rasta—quite contrary to Allan’s expectations—meant that Pakistanis should become expert in running online businesses! From this, Allan increasingly came to understand that intelligent use of the internet would lead to Pakistan achieving a pre-eminent position of international leadership, not only as the prime promoter of pure religion and world peace, but also as an economic superpower.

Q E3: How did Allan happen to go to Multan to meet great Sufi masters?

A: In later December, 1984, when Allan was 37 years old, he was traveling from Lahore to Karachi by train. Beside him sat a young man in his 20’s, who was on his way to Multan. After talking with Allan for a while, the youth’s voice changed and he said, “Mujhe aap ko kuch batana hai.” (“There is something I must tell you!”) Pointing his right index finger upward, he asked (continuing in Urdu), “Do you know that we can meet our great Sufi elders (buzurgs)? It is possible! If you like, I can arrange for you to meet them. Would you like me to tell you how?”

Thinking, “This is crazy!” Allan turned away from the young man without saying anything. But then he realized that for many months he had been desperately praying for spiritual guidance, since his own spiritual master had passed away some years earlier and he urgently felt he needed another teacher. Allan considered, “This young man is offering to introduce me to the great Sufi masters of the past! This could be a wonderful answer to my prayer, something much better than I could have dreamed of! How can I refuse this?”

So Allan turned back to the strange youth and said, “Okay, I am interested. Please tell me more! Can we really meet these great saints who lived so long ago?”

The young man then began explaining, “Though these great Sufis lived hundreds of years ago, they actually are still alive today. My own murshid (spiritual master) is a direct disciple of Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar. For forty years he would meet this great saint regularly in the desert.”

Amazed, Allan asked his co-traveler, “How can we meet these people who lived so long ago?”

The young man replied, “There is a standard procedure and if we pray and meditate, by their mercy the Sufi saints may appear to us.” Allan was still pondering this whole possibility when the train was approaching Multan. The young man asked Allan, “Would you like to come with me and visit the great Sufi saints?”

Allan did not have enough money to buy another ticket to Karachi, so he hesitated. His youthful traveling companion got off the train and then suddenly Allan thought, “Oh no! This kind person is deeply spiritual. He has offered to take me to some great saints and I am refusing him! Who knows when I will ever get such an opportunity again? If I don’t take this chance, I may regret it for the rest of my life!”

So Allan decided to go with the young man. Quickly grabbing his luggage, Allan jumped off the train and shouted, “Wait! Wait! I’m coming with you.” So the young man took Allan to his little apartment and the next morning the two of them had a light breakfast and then went to the nearby grand shrine of Shah Rukn-e-Alam. The young Sufi instructed Allan to follow his example and buy some incense, a flower garland and some patasha (sweets). After doing this, they lit the incense and offered it in the shrine, draped their flower garlands on the grave and distributed the patasha to visiting pilgrims. Then they sat to meditate and quietly called on the names of Allah.

After twenty minutes or half an hour, his young guide tapped Allan’s shoulder and said quietly, “Let’s go outside.” After exiting the shrine, he asked, “Did you see anything?”

“No.” Allan replied.

“Did you feel anything?”

“I felt very peaceful.”

“Very good,’ the young man replied happily.

Next, the two pilgrims went to the nearby, still larger shrine of Hazrat Bahauddin Zakaria. There, they followed the same procedure of purchasing and then offering incense, a flower garland and patasha. Again, when they went outside after meditating, his young friend asked Allan if he had seen anything and Allan repeated that he had not seen anything, but this time he reported having experienced a profound sense of total spiritual satisfaction.

Very pleased by this, the young Sufi now took Allan to the shrine of Baba Shams Sabzwari, a much smaller building a little over a kilometer (less than a mile) away.

Q E4: How did Allan meet Hazrat Baba Shams Sabzwari in Multan?

A: After coming to Multan and visiting the shrines of Shah Rukn-e-Alam and Hazrat Bahauddin Zakaria (please see the previous question), a young man whose murshid was the direct disciple of Hazrat Lal Shabaz Qalandar took Allan to the shrine of Baba Shams Sabzwari. Here, as at the previous shrines, they each purchased and offered some incense, a flower garland and some patasha. Then the young Sufi instructed Allan to repeat “Allah Shams, Allah Shams, Allah Shams”. After doing this for some time, in his meditation Allan saw two beautiful, golden feet. A short while later the young man touched his shoulder and asked him to look on the opposite side of the grave of Baba Shams. “That is a special person,” he said (in Urdu), indicating a slender man in his 30’s or 40’s sitting there.

Allan thought this person, wearing a tan-colored tweed sports jacket, looked like a somewhat fair-skinned businessman of Multan. Just at that same time, this man stood and walked by Allan to the shrine entrance. Looking down, Allan noticed that this man’s feet were exactly the same feet as he had just seen in his meditation! Astonished, he followed that special person, who walked across the shrine courtyard into a small mosque. When Allan entered the mosque just a few steps behind him, however, the man was gone. The mosque had no other door nor any window large enough to crawl through. So Allan returned to his companion and told him what had happened. “Oh, don’t worry!” the youthful Sufi responded as if nothing had happened, “They do that all the time. These saints can reach Mecca or Medina within a moment.”

Allan considered the possibility that there could have been some secret trap door through which the strange man might have quickly exited the mosque. He even thought that perhaps the young Sufi and this man had secretly planned this “chance encounter.” But Allan later explained why he rejected this suspicion: “I knew something very special had happened because how could they have manufactured those golden feet in my vision? Along with having observed the kindness and honesty of the young man, this vision of mine is what convinced me this was not some magic trick.” Accordingly, Allan concluded that this person must have been Baba Shams himself and so he told his young guide: “Okay, I am convinced! Can you please take me now to your murshid? I am eager to meet him and to become your pir-bhai (disciple of the same spiritual master).” The young man was very happy to hear this.

Q E5: How did Allan meet a direct disciple of Hazrat Lal Shabaz Qalandar in Multan?

A: After Allan had an amazing experience in the shrine of Baba Shams Sabzwari in Multan (please see the previous question), he told the young man who had taken him there that he was convinced by that experience and wanted to become a disciple of his murshid, who was a direct disciple of Hazrat Lal Shabaz Qalandar. So the young man took Allan to his teacher’s house, which was near the shrine of Baba Shams.

When they arrived, Allan saw the Sufi saint sitting on a seat in the courtyard with five or six of his disciples surrounding him. Allan surprised everyone by falling prostrate before the murshid. He then rose and explained, “I want to become your disciple.”

After some further discussion, during which the Sufi master asked Allan a number of questions, he suddenly said, “Take off your overcoat!” Once Allan had done this, the saint asked Allan to remove his jacket, then his sweater, shirt and undershirt! This was later December, so it was very cold in Multan, which is why Allan was wearing so much warm clothing. Then the saint asked Allan, “Are you feeling cold?”

Allan was amazed that, even though he was standing outside, bare-chested on this chilly winter evening, he was not feeling cold at all. As soon as he reported this, the Sufi went on, “Okay, now give me your watch.”

Allan immediately handed over his watch. As the discussion continued, after a short time he heard a voice behind him saying loudly, “Samasatta, Samasatta!”

Allan turned around to see who was speaking, but no one was there. Everyone, seeing him turning like this and looking puzzled, asked him if something was wrong. “Didn’t you hear that?” he asked.

“Hear what?” they replied.

“Samasatta, Samasatta!”

“Ah! Khawaja Mohkam-uddin!” everyone exclaimed. Allan did not really understand what was happening.

After a short time, Allan again heard a voice from behind him, this time saying clearly, “Pakpattan. Pakpattan!”

Again, Allan turned around to look and then all the others insisted they had not heard anything. When they asked him what he had heard, this time he replied, “Pakpattan. Pakpattan!” At this everyone shouted loudly, in joy, “Baba Farid! Baba Farid!”

After this, the Sufi master, direct disciple of Lal Shabaz Qalandar, gave Allan back his watch and told him to wear it. Then, one by one, he returned Allan’s undershirt, shirt, sweater, jacket and overcoat. After Allan had put all his clothing back on, the murshid said to him, “Go! I cannot teach you anything more.” When Allan hesitated, looking confused and very disappointed, the Sufi master repeated, “You must go, now!” So Allan was obliged to do as he was ordered and sadly left, making his way back to the Multan Cantonment railway station.

Q E6: Please tell the full details about how Allan met “Baba Ali”, the custodian of the shrine of Hazrat Baba Farid Ganj Shakar in Pakpattan.

A: Allan returned to the Multan Cantonment railway station after a direct disciple of Hazrat Lal Shabaz Qalandar had refused to accept him as his disciple (recounted in the previous question). There, he learned that the Tezgam express, the fastest train in Pakistan, was just arriving on its way to Karachi. Having no money for a new ticket and hoping he would have no trouble using the old one, Allan managed with some difficulty to squeeze into an unreserved third-class cabin. It was packed full with hardly a place to stand. After a short time, however, a kind man offered his berth to Allan, who was exhausted from the long day’s intense experiences.

Allan immediately fell fast asleep but after some time was awakened by the agitated passengers talking excitedly in Punjabi: “Ai kerda Tezgam ai? Ai ‘Sustgam’ bangae!” (“What kind of ‘fast runner’ is this? It’s become the ‘sluggish goer’!”) The train had been stopped here for a long time, despite the signal having turned green long before. One of the passengers reported he had spoken to the engineer, who could not understand why the train refused to move.

Allan tried to go back to sleep, but could not. Feeling uneasy, he finally asked someone, “Where are we?”

When he heard the reply, “Samasatta,” Allan thought, “Samasatta! That is what the voice in Multan said! Maybe this is like Jonah [Hazrat Yunus] on the sinking boat, and I am supposed to get down here.” So he got off the train and the very moment his foot touched the ground the train started moving.

When Allan arrived at the main platform, it was empty. He asked the only person there, a tea seller, if there was a Sufi shrine in Samasatta. The man replied, “Yes, but it’s quite far away. It’s unsafe to go this late at night, so wait until the morning when you can get a tonga (two-wheeled horse-drawn cart) to take you there.” It was very late, so Allan lay down on a nearby bench and had a good sleep.

Early the next morning Allan was awakened by a man shouting to the tea seller, “Has the train to Pakpattan gone yet?”

The tea seller replied, “No, it’s late as usual. But look! Here it comes.”

Allan thought, “This seems to be a sign that I am supposed to go to Pakpattan, since that name was also spoken by the mysterious voice in Multan.” Allan had enough money to buy a ticket to Pakpattan so he quickly purchased one and got on the train, which turned out to be a very, very slow passenger train.

It was late afternoon before the train finally reached the Pakpattan railway station. Allan then made his way to the nearby shrine of Hazrat Baba Farid Ganj Shakar. He followed the same procedure the young man in Multan had taught him, purchasing and offering incense, a flower garland and some patasha. After offering these, as he sat in meditation, Allan heard a voice in his heart saying clearly, “Just go and sit under the big tree in the courtyard and meditate there. When you open your eyes, you will see in front of you the person you are meant to meet.”

Accordingly, Allan exited the shrine and at once saw a huge pipal (sacred fig) tree in the courtyard. Sitting at its base, he closed his eyes and meditated for fifteen or twenty minutes. When he opened his eyes Allan saw, sitting on a mat on the ground just a short distance in front of him, a saintly elderly gentleman with a long, thin white beard. He was speaking to five or six people around him, apparently his disciples. Overjoyed, convinced he had now finally found his spiritual master, Allan prostrated himself before the saint and grabbed his feet. He told the senior Sufi the whole story of his journey over the past three days, and how he was so happy to have come to Pakpattan and to have found a spiritual teacher to guide him.

Hearing this account, the Sufi responded, “You must be very hungry!” Calling one of his disciples, he told Allan, “Go with this boy. He will give you a wholesome meal.”

Allan, who in fact had hardly eaten for almost two days, replied, “Thank you, but I don’t eat meat.”

“Oh, we have only vegetarian food here.”

Surprised to hear this, Allan explained, “That is very good, but actually I don’t eat garlic or onions either.”

“Don’t worry, we also don’t use any garlic or onions!”

Allan was astonished by this and could hardly believe it, but happily went with the young man, who told him the Sufi saint was called “Baba Ali” and he was in charge of the shrine. Arriving at a kitchen area to the rear of the shrine, Allan was offered a hearty dinner of rice, dal, vegetables, roti (flat bread) and delicious halva (a sweet dish made from farina cooked in ghee). Having enjoyed the fully satisfying meal, he was taken back to the elderly saint by the young man.

After asking Allan if the meal was satisfactory and discussing further, Baba Ali talked about the greatness of Islam and the excellence of the Holy Prophet Muhammad. When Allan told Baba Ali that he had a spiritual teacher who had passed away some years earlier so now he needed further guidance, Baba Ali asked. “You already have a murshid? What is his name?”


Savoring the sound of the name, the saint replied, “Prabhupada! Does he have a khanqah [place where a spiritual master’s disciples gather]?”

“Yes, in Karachi.”

Immediately the Sufi master responded, “You do not need any other teacher. Prabhupada is your teacher and he will always guide you.”

Having expected that he now was going to be staying in Pakpattan and learning from Baba Ali, Allan was devastated to hear this. Understanding everything, the Sufi saint explained, “Do not worry. Your teacher will guide you—in dreams, through his other disciples, or in your heart.”

As Allan still seemed very distressed and disappointed by this turn of events, Baba Ali repeated, “Do not worry. Go to Karachi, now, and everything will be fine.”

When Allan still hesitated, the saint said, “It is late; it is getting cold now. You can catch a bus soon from here to Harappa and you can go by train from there to Karachi. Go, now! God will be with you and He will protect you!”

Feeling exhausted and very heavy-hearted, Allan had no choice but to accept these instructions, so went to the bus station. There indeed was a bus just leaving for Harappa, and from Harappa he soon caught a passenger train to Karachi. His ticket was now expired, but fortunately no ticket collector ever checked for it.

Q E7: What happened when Allan returned to Pakpattan to meet Baba Ali at the shrine of Hazrat Baba Farid Ganj Shakar?

A: After his amazing experience of meeting Baba Ali in Pakpattan (narrated in the previous question), Allan was eager to speak to him again. Accordingly, Allan returned to Pakpattan at the first available opportunity. Upon arriving, he immediately went to the shrine of Hazrat Baba Farid Ganj Shakar. and began asking for Baba Ali. However, no one would tell him where he could find Baba Ali. Indeed, even after asking dozens of people, Allan was astonished that no one seemed to have ever heard of this mysterious custodian of the shrine. Greatly perplexed after several hours of searching, he determined to return to the shrine as soon as possible when he would have more time and could spend several days there.

Some time later, Allan returned to Pakpattan during the Urs (commemoration of the death anniversary) of Hazrat Baba Farid Ganj Shakar. This time, he was prepared to spend as long as necessary there in order to locate and meet Baba Ali. Again, however, even after three days of searching and asking dozens of people, no one could or would give him any help at all in locating Baba Ali. In fact, several indicated that there was no such person as “Baba Ali” who was in charge of the shrine, but one or two suggested to Allan that something mysterious or holy must have happened to him.

Indeed, only years later a French Sufi who had spent years living in Pakpattan told Allan for the first time, “Yes, I know who Baba Ali is!” He only smiled, however, and would not say anything more when Allan asked for further information or explanation. And it was not until the later 2010’s, after Allan had become well-known in Pakistan, that a longtime resident of Pakpattan informed him, “You have been blessed! Only someone who is very fortunate gets the mercy of meeting Baba Farid Ganj Shakar under that big tree in his courtyard!”


Q F1: What are the full details of how the Holy Prophet Muhammad first appeared to Allan?

A: Starting in about 1981, Allan met a Sufi named Sajjad-ul-Haq Qureshi in Rawalpindi a number of times. The last time they were together, on 25 January, 1995, Sajjad-ul-Haq Sahib asked Allan, “Would you be happy to hear that my murshid [spiritual master] has given me the gift of meeting the Holy Prophet?” When Allan looked amazed and pleased with the question, the Sufi went on, “Would you like to meet Hazrat Muhammad?”

Allan could hardly believe he might get such an opportunity, but he thought a moment and then answered, “Yes, why not?” Allan later explained that there was only one reason he was a little hesitant. For years Muslims had been repeatedly pestering him, “Become a Muslim! You must become a Muslim! Why don’t you become a Muslim?” and even, “You will go to hell if you don’t become a Muslim!” Allan was very disturbed by all this and because of it, though he loved the Prophet Muhammad dearly and accepted him as a true Messenger of God, he never wanted to become a Muslim. So now Allan was a little afraid what the Holy Prophet might say if he actually appeared to him. Allan thought, “If he, too, tells me to become a Muslim, how could I refuse him?”

Then Sajjad-ul-Haq wrote out with his own hand the Durood Sharif-i-Ibrahimi in Arabic with an Urdu translation. Giving the paper to Allan, he said, “When you get the chance, just read this repeatedly, until the Holy Prophet appears before you. This does not mean anyone who does this will get this result, but I am giving this to you by the power of my spiritual master. And I am not giving you the power to give this blessing to others.”

Allan replied, “Okay, I will do it!”

A little later that day, Allan boarded a minibus from Rawalpindi to Lahore. After some time, while sitting in the bus, he started reciting the Durood Sharif-i-Ibrahimi very slowly. After reading it a dozen or so times, he saw standing right in front of him, very clearly, a luminous man wearing a green turban and a white robe. He was extremely beautiful, with a broad forehead, dark eyes and beard and with all perfectly formed features. Allan immediately recognized that this was the Prophet Muhammad and fell down on the ground before him, taking hold of his feet.

Allan later explained, “I was sitting in the bus, reading the Durood Sharif. I was wide awake, not sleeping or dreaming. As I read, I noticed someone standing in front of me. I looked up and there was the Holy Prophet! I fell down prostrate before him and held onto his feet. Then, with his own hands, he pulled me up and embraced me firmly but tenderly. I was in ecstasy. After what seemed like a very long time, he placed me in front of him and looked deeply into my eyes. I felt he was reading my soul. I was actually a little afraid that he might tell me to become a Muslim. But then I sensed that he knew exactly what I was thinking. So what did he say to me? He did NOT tell me to become a Muslim. Not at all, but quite the opposite! He was talking in perfect English and I can remember every single word he spoke to me: “Don’t worry! I am pleased with you. Just go on doing what you are doing.” That is all he said to me. I was so relieved. All my anxieties were gone! I felt like I was swimming in an ocean of love. Such indescribable happiness! I started crying tears of joy, and he did, too. I already loved Hazrat Muhammad, but now my love for him increased so much more. I cannot say how long that vision lasted, maybe it was only a few minutes, but it seemed like a timeless eternity. I was fully satisfied and could not have wanted anything else. Then that vision faded and I became aware of the bus and the other passengers, who had no idea of what had just happened to me.”

Q F2: How did Allan meet the Prophet Muhammad a second time, and what did the Holy Prophet tell him?

A: In late July, 2012, Allan went to England to meet Syed Tahir Maqsood Shah, his closest friend in Lahore, who was visiting with his son in Manchester. Tahir Shah was one of the few people Allan had told about his experience of reciting the Durood Sharif-i-Ibrahimi and meeting the Holy Prophet in 1995.

On the 2 August, Syed Tahir and Allan went to the nearby town of Stoke-on-Trent to meet one of Tahir’s Pakistani friends, and a Pakistani woman who had started a university there together with this friend. After touring the campus, the four of them sat talking in the university office. While Tahir talked with his friend, the lady asked Allan, “Are you a Muslim?”

“No, but I like Islam,” Allan answered.

“Then why don’t you become a Muslim? You should become a Muslim!”

Having heard this so many times, Allan was not happy, so he decided to tell her how the Prophet Muhammad had once appeared to him. He then added, “Please note that the Holy Messenger of God himself did not ask me to become a Muslim, but instead told me to just go on doing what I was doing.”

The Pakistani woman at once responded, “But this happened many years ago. If Hazrat Muhammad talked to you now, maybe he would tell you something different.”

Stunned by this unexpected reply, Allan thought a moment and then said (though he had never recited the Durood Sharif nor seen the Holy Prophet [peace be upon him] again), “Since then, Hazrat Muhammad has guided me from time to time.” Hearing this, the lady was silent and Allan felt happy that he had won this argument!

Tahir Shah and Allan returned to Manchester, but when Allan awoke early the next morning he heard the voice of the Holy Prophet, saying “Why did you lie to that woman?”

Allan was ashamed but then he heard, “That’s alright. Again read that Durood Sharif and I will talk to you clearly.”

Syed Tahir gave Allan a copy of the Durood Sharif-i-Ibrahimi and put him in a room where he would be alone, undisturbed. Sitting there in great faith and anticipation, Allan attentively read the Durood Sharif ten or more times. Then he witnessed a new scene open before him, a very beautiful garden full of pleasant shade trees, fragrant flowers and greenery. Songbirds cooed and twittered softly. There was also a crystal-clear pool, with bright yellow tulips lining its bank. Allan inhaled the coolness of the pure air and felt very peaceful.

The water of that pool was like a mirror and the sun, clouds and blue sky were reflected in it perfectly. Allan then slowly dove into that water and found himself in another dimension. He soared a long, long distance through outer space, finally coming to an area of total darkness. He was desperately wanting to find and expecting to see the Prophet Muhammad, but could not. Then he heard the same clear voice speaking in cultured English, “You need not see me. I will tell you what you need to know. You are already a Muslim! You have recited the kalima hundreds of times. Do not worry! You are the best of Muslims and whatever you do it does not matter. You may say you are a Muslim, there is no harm. You understand what it means to be a Muslim; most others who think they understand, they do not.”

The Holy Prophet answered a number of Allan’s questions about Pakistan and about different religions, assuring him that his desires to serve Pakistan would be fully accomplished. He also appreciated, and encouraged Allan to continue, his practice of reciting the Names of God and other prayers, as well as studying the scriptures, of various faiths. He confirmed that this is what would lead to world peace.

Allan later explained: “After a long conversation, understanding that I was so disappointed in not seeing him, the Blessed Messenger showed me his right eye. I looked deeply into that eye and then entered into it, feeling that I was swimming in the ocean of his being, an ocean of love. He indicated that it was time for me to leave the vision, but I did not want to. He then reassured me, ‘I will always be with you, and I will always give you the guidance you need.’ With this, the vision disappeared and I found myself back in Manchester.”

Q F3: Why did the Holy Prophet say that Allan had recited the kalima hundreds of times?

A: When Allan was teaching at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2009, very early one morning while awakening he heard a heavenly voice singing, first just a tune and then with the words of a famous Christian prayer: “Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. / Benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus.” (“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee! / Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus!” Then Allan heard, in the same melody: “Allah hu Akbar, Allah hu Akbar, la ilaha il Allah! / La ilaha il Allah! La ilaha il Allah, Muhammad ur Rasool Allah!” (God is the Greatest! God is Most Great! There is no God but God! / There is no God but God! There is no God but God! Muhammad is the Prophet of God!” Following this, Allan also heard, sung with the same tune: “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare” (O All-Attractive God, O joyous Lord Who gives joy to all, O Energy of God, please engage me in Your service!” and then “Sh’ma Israel, Sh’ma Israel, Adonai Eluheinu Adonai ekhat.” (“Hear, O Israel! Hear, O Israel! The Lord your God, the Lord is one!”)

After this holy experience, Allan began the daily practice of singing all these prayers and gradually some important prayers of other religions. Therefore, at the time he spoke with the Prophet Muhammad in 2012, he had already recited the kalima hundreds of times over the previous three years.

Q F4: What did the Holy Prophet instruct Allan the third time he spoke clearly to him?

A: In the summer of 2017, Allan visited Pakistan for over a month, where several Muslim friends helped him begin reciting namaz, the Muslim obligatory prayer, five times every day as required by the shariah (Islamic law). After continuing this daily for about a month and a half and having returned to the U.S.A. in September, Allan found it increasingly difficult to maintain his practice. This was not only because he was alone, without any other Muslims in his town, and had many additional responsibilities at home, but especially because along with his Muslim namaz he was also increasingly reciting prayers of a dozen other religious traditions, which could take an hour or more.

At this time, one day the Prophet Muhammad spoke to Allan clearly and told him that persons of any revealed religion who faithfully follow the true teachings of their faith are also Muslims and will attain success in life. He specifically said that Baba Guru Nanak was a great Sufi and that sincere Sikhs were true Muslims, and further that the success of Pakistan in re-establishing pure Islam would depend on increasing understanding, friendship and cooperation between Sikhs and Muslims.

Q F5: Why does Allan consider himself a disciple of the Prophet Muhammad, and why does he share with others what the Holy Prophet has told him?

A: In the summer of 2017, an extraordinary Owaisi sayyid told Allan, “You are a direct disciple of Hazrat Muhammad in our Owaisi silsila (lineage).” Why? Because the Messenger of God had personally appeared to and instructed Allan, starting on 25 January, 1995. In addition to this, on 30 November, 2019, the Holy Prophet himself gave Allan the name Ali Muhammad Kartarpuri—an indication he accepted Allan as his disciple. (Allan was already known as Babaji Ali, for Syed Tahir Maqsood Shah had given him the name “Ali” in 2012.)

Later, the Holy Prophet instructed Allan: “…it is your solemn duty to share with others what I instruct you. Some will not like to learn from you, and may not even consider you a Muslim. But remember what I told you [on 3 August, 2012, in Manchester, England]: ‘You understand what it means to be a Muslim; most others who think they understand, they do not.’ I also then assured you, ‘I will always be with you and I will always give you the guidance you need.’ So please be sure of my constant presence with you; I will always help you and direct you.”

Accordingly, Allan considers it his God-given duty to share, with anyone willing to listen, his understanding of what it means to be a Muslim, and to convey to them the guidance he receives as a blessing from the Prophet of Islam.

Q F6: Can you tell more about the times the Prophet Muhammad spoke to Allan in 2019?

A: In the first of the three audiences in 2019, in September, the Holy Prophet, laughing happily, told Allan that the Israel-Palestine conflict would end when Jews begin reciting the Muslim daily prayers, and Muslims begin reciting the Jewish daily prayers, especially in the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. He also said that this would lead to world peace, just as would Muslims and Sikhs coming together in Pakistan.

In the second 2019 communication, on the 9th of November, the Messenger of Islam joyously announced to Allan that the opening on that day of the Kartarpur Corridor between India and Pakistan was “our first major success in Ghazwa-i-Hind” (the prophesied “Battle of India”), “the culmination of Armageddon” (the long-foretold final struggle between Good and Evil on Earth in the “last days”) and “the sign of coming world peace”. Finally, three weeks later on the 30th of November, the Prophet told Allan, “Your name is ‘Ali Muhammad Kartarpuri’!” and also repeated, “Don’t worry! I will always be with you.”

Q F7: Did Allan ever see or feel the presence of Jesus Christ? If so, when was this and what did he look like?

A: Allan clearly felt the presence of his Lord Jesus throughout his childhood and always thought and prayed about what Jesus would want him to do before doing anything. Once, when he was about 12 years old, he was performing a favorite song before an audience at a children’s Bible Camp in Abbottabad. As he sang, “My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine,” Allan felt the presence of Jesus so strongly that he was overcome with spiritual emotion. Tears of joy filled his eyes and he could barely continue singing. Feeling Jesus had saved him, he decided to do nothing with his life but serve and give everything to his Savior.

When Allan was in his thirties, he once felt he could actually see Jesus Christ. This was in Mumbai in about 1980. Allan was sitting with John and Elsie Finney, Christian missionary friends of his parents. At that time, Allan sensed Christ’s presence so strongly that he visualized Jesus standing behind them. He looked very much like an art production Allan later inherited from his parents, which was their favorite picture of Jesus (‘’Head of Christ’’ from Rembrandt’s workshop), except his hair and beard were quite a bit shorter and he was smiling happily.

Q F8: When and where did Allan see Shri Krishna and his beautiful wife Radha?

A: In January, 1996, Allan was transiting for a day in Bangkok on his way from San Francisco to Karachi. While riding in a minibus returning to the Bangkok airport, he was astonished when he noticed an unimaginably beautiful young teenage couple sitting across the aisle from him. The young man, who looked like he could not have been more than 15 or 16 years old, was the most detached, calm and noble person Allan had ever seen. The gorgeous young girl, appearing to be only about 12 or 13, was smiling and joking, with playful eyes constantly glancing here and there. They both were laughing happily as they talked together quietly, clearly deeply in love with each other and enjoying each other’s company immensely.

Allan could not believe it when he noticed that these youngsters were wearing shining gold wedding rings with dozens of magnificent diamonds sparkling like stars with iridescent pastel pink, blue, violet, green and yellow, as well as other hues he had never seen and could not describe. The girl had two rows of these incredible jewels encircling her ring, while the young man’s ring displayed a cone of glittering gemstones, with by far the largest diamond he had ever seen at the peak. Unable to understand why anyone who must have been extremely wealthy (to own such invaluable rings) would be riding on a bus, Allan concluded they must have loved each other so much that they spent all their money to get those amazing rings for each other.

Allan also noticed that the girl had a lovely, perfectly round birthmark on the left side of her chin, while her husband had a similar birthmark at the same place on his chin, but shaped like a symmetrical number “8” lying on its side. Although Allan was embarrassed by it, and repeatedly looked away, he was unable to prevent his eyes from returning again and again to gaze at the fascinating face of the smiling young girl with playful eyes, who was far more attractive than any woman he had ever seen or could even imagine.

Allan arrived in Karachi that night and the next morning saw the lovely images of Radha and Krishna in a temple there for the first time. They looked young, almost like children, and had bindis [colored dot or marking] placed on their chins—at exactly the same spot as that beautiful young couple’s birthmarks. Allan was stunned to suddenly realize that these must be the same youthful lovers he had seen the previous afternoon on the bus in Bangkok.

Q F. 9: Can prophets and spiritual personalities really appear and speak to people like this?

A: If they want to, who can stop them? Some people think this is impossible, but almost all great saints of all religions affirm it and the direct experiences of innumerable sincere followers of most, if not all religions, confirm it, including thousands of people in both Pakistan and India since 1947. Allama Iqbal wrote, “It is my belief that the Prophet is still alive and the people of this age can get inspiration from him as his companions did during his mortal life” (Shaikh Ataullah, editor, Iqbal Namah, I, 317).

Many Christians, since immediately after the lifetime of Jesus Christ starting with his first followers and continuing until today, have seen and spoken with him in person or in dreams or visions. For the past several centuries and particularly the last forty years, his mother Mary has also been appearing to a number of visionaries and giving them regular instruction, most notably in the villages of Medugorje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Kibeho (Rwanda).


Q G1: When and how did Allan Keislar first meet an ET (extraterrestrial, a person from another planet)?

A: One afternoon in the fall of 1956, when he was nine years old, young Allan was walking home from school through a forest when he saw a “flying saucer” parked in a clearing. In the open doorway at the top of a broad stairway he could see five or six extraterrestrials, a taller woman with two or three shorter persons on either side of her. She was clearly the captain and beckoned to the inquisitive (and not at all frightened) child, inviting him aboard. She looked very much like a human being except her ears were on top of her head like a cat’s and her face was a little unusual.

When Allan climbed the stairway and reached the captain, she embraced him and spoke with him so lovingly that he felt she was his true mother. (In fact, when he reached home, he told his shocked biological mother, “You are not my mother!”) Although Allan cannot remember what else happened, many years later a friend of his who had never heard of this incident had a vivid dream of it, in which he observed 9-year-old Allan on board the craft asking this ET woman, “Are you my mother? Are you my mother?”

Q G2: When and where was Allan’s second encounter with an ET?

A: In about 1992, at age forty-five, one summer day in San Francisco Allan was sitting in his van having lunch. As he was drinking dal soup from a thermos cup, he noticed a bluish light shining down from the fog or low clouds overhead. Interested, Allan got out of his van and looked up to try and see what this strange light was and where it was coming from. With the thermos still in his hand, Allan was then gently pulled up into the clouds by a mysterious force. After passing through the fog, he saw, hovering silently in the air above him, the same extraterrestrial craft he had boarded when he was nine years old.

Standing in the open doorway, Allan saw the same kind and loving captain again, whom he called his “spiritual mother” and later “Felidicity”. Allan was surprised that, more than 35 years after their first meeting, she still looked the same age, in her late twenties or early thirties. She later explained to Allan that her species lives for thousands of years, so a few decades of Earth time meant little to her. Her ancestors had traveled transdimensionally to Earth from another star system many millennia ago; since then her people have lived underground within our planet, occasionally contacting surface-dwelling humans to assist us in our cultural and spiritual evolution.

When Allan arrived inside the space craft, the captain greeted him pleasantly and after some small talk she asked him, “What’s that in your hand?”

Allan replied, “It’s just some soup.”

“May I have some?” she asked sweetly.

“Sure,” Allan answered, pouring her some of the dal in the thermos cup and handing it to her.

After drinking the soup, Felidicity exclaimed, “This is really delicious!” When she handed the thermos cup back to Allan, he noticed that there was a red mark on it, which appeared to be lipstick—although the lip mark was much thicker than a human’s. Allan later realized that she had left this mark on his thermos cup just to provide solid physical evidence of their meeting, so that after he could remember the details of their meeting he would be certain that this experience was not just a dream or a hallucination.

Q G3: How did Allan learn, from observing an extraterrestrial meeting, that Armageddon (the final Battle of Good and Evil on Earth), destined to occur about the middle of the year 1999, was stopped?

A: In late October or early November of 1998, Allan’s extraterrestrial spiritual mother, whom he now called “Felidicity”, transported him to an area in our solar system which he estimates was beyond the asteroid belt and probably beyond the orbit of Jupiter. They arrived at a huge structure looking like a stadium, where hundreds or thousands of observers were listening intently to several dozen representatives of various intelligent species seated around a large oval table in the center, debating whether they should again prevent a worldwide nuclear war upon Earth, as they had done before.

All the representatives apparently knew that such a final Armageddon was destined to occur about the middle of the next year, 1999, but they also were aware that they had the ability to prevent it if they wished. As the discussion became heated, it seemed that those favoring allowing the war to occur were winning the debate.

Then suddenly everyone became silent. All stood respectfully, some bowed their heads and others prostrated themselves before a personality who was floating into the arena, obviously the emissary of a higher authority. Most of the representatives seemed pleased, but several were evidently upset that this decision now had been taken out of their hands.

With but one word, “Mercy!”, that respected being revealed that the upcoming World War III would be prevented, for humanity’s distressful destiny had been drastically altered by God. The people of Earth would not have to undergo a devastating nuclear holocaust to wake them up to the need for international unity, as had long been expected and prophesied. Rather, they would be able to achieve world peace based on increasing knowledge, wisdom and love, leading to nonviolent mutual understanding.

Q G4: What do ETs look like?

A: ETs have various appearances but many of them look exactly or very much like human beings. Scientists were not expecting this and were quite amazed to learn that almost all ETs have two arms, two legs, and a head with eyes, ears, nose and mouth (though their nose and ears frequently may be less prominent than ours, and may be not much more than small holes, while their mouth may be only a slight slit). A number of them also have wings, tails or horns, or other features like ridges and even spikes down their backs or on their heads, while some of them are amphibious—and others are aquatic and can only breathe and live under water. Still others have bodies not based on carbon and some even have bodies made primarily of fiery materials, or spherical bodies that are etheric.

Q G5: Since when are ETs coming to planet Earth?

A: Various extraterrestrial civilizations have been visiting Earth for hundreds of thousands or even many millions of years. Some of them, who look like just human beings, have been living among us for a long time. A number of others, like Felidicity’s race (as well as a mostly friendly old reptilian race called raptors, and several very human-looking races), have also been living in our planet, mostly underneath the surface, for at least thousands or millions of years. Some of them say they have been here longer than human beings, so they have as much or more claim to Earth than we do. (Of course it is foolish for any of us to think we own the Earth, which belongs only to God.) Some other extraterrestrials, who appear frightening to us—including most notably some reptilian races—often disguise themselves to look just like human beings. They usually do this in order not to scare us, either so that they can help us for our own good, or for promoting their own selfish agenda.

Q G6: Why are ETs visiting Earth? Are they going to take over the planet?

A: Just like human beings, ETs can be good or bad, and many of them are neutral. A good number of them, perhaps most, have been visiting Earth just because they want to observe and discover something about us and our planet. They are just like students who go on field trips to learn something, or scientists who undertake foreign research, or tourists who travel to enjoy themselves in new places. However, many ETs—as races or individually—have come specifically to help humanity, like Allan’s spiritual mother Felidicity; some of these have been coming here for thousands or millions of years to give religious or spiritual guidance to elevate us. Of course, there are a few others who have selfish motives and do want to increase their control and take over our planet completely, as some already have done to some degree. Fortunately for us, there are more powerful, angelic ETs who are helping us prevent them from doing that.

Q G7: What is the language of ETs?

A: Although most extraterrestrial groups have their own languages, almost all of the ones Allan has met (or knows about) communicate telepathically. Many human beings not familiar with telepathy who have had interactions with beings from other planets report that the extraterrestrials seem to “just put ideas, or images, into my head.” This is certainly the ETs’ preferred method of communication when they are talking with races who have different dialects than themselves, and especially when they have quite different means of speaking (such as by clicking sounds caused by rubbing exterior body parts, as opposed to our use of vocal chords and different parts of the mouth). However, when it is easier for us they may speak in our own languages. Also, some old earthly tongues like Sumerian, Arabic, Hebrew, Persian and Sanskrit, in their archaic forms, evidently are spoken elsewhere in our galaxy (and may have originally been derived from the languages of other planets).

Q G8: Are ETs more advanced than us humans? If yes, then how come?

A: There are uncountable millions and billions of planets and galaxies, most of them older than our own. Therefore, it is not surprising that many of their populations are much more advanced in various ways than human beings, with technologies we can’t even imagine. Almost all of our amazing scientific discoveries during the last century, such as television, computers, cell phones, lasers, stealth technologies, Teflon, Kevlar, night vision, as well as still mostly secret technologies like teleportation, time travel, free or zero-point energy, age-reversal, light healing, anti-gravity, etc., were given to us by extraterrestrials.

Spiritually advanced extraterrestrials, whom we have often referred to as “angels”, have offered humanity spiritual guidance for thousands and millions of years. They have sometimes also been called “gods” but that term can be very misleading as they are all in fact dependent servants of the One God, the Original Source of Everything. However, angels are certainly extraterrestrials, for it is almost universally understood that they are not from Earth, which is exactly what “extraterrestrial” means.

There is also a small minority of self-serving extraterrestrials who always try to mislead and exploit humanity for their own selfish purposes. They have been allowed to play a significant role in human history for the past many thousands of years as part of a divine plan, but that time is now ending.

Some evil extraterrestrials, being advanced technologically but spiritually deficient, have posed as “gods” and have been accepted and worshiped as such by ignorant humans. Their actual position has been exposed by prophets and teachers and, with the spread of the Final Message of the Cycle of Adam by the Prophet Muhammad, more and more humans have come to understand the truth that there is only one God, the Original Source and Ultimate Ruler of everyone and everything.

Q G9: What makes human beings different than ETs?

A: Human beings have a special destiny. Scientists who have studied a variety of ET species report that we have a wide range of emotions as well as creative or imaginative abilities which are rare if not unique. According to the Quran (Surah al Baqarah [2]:34; Surah al Kahf [18]:50), Allah asked the angels to bow before Adam, a clear indication that humanity has some special status among the intelligent species of life in our galaxy. Further, the Bible’s statement (Genesis 1:27), “God created man in His own image,” also points to a special position of the human form (though this would include the many extraterrestrial groups who have the same human form as we do).

It may astonish us to learn that there are AI (artificially intelligent) life forms or biological robots that look and can act almost exactly like human beings, but do not have a human soul. Such soulless ETs are, of course, very different from us, no matter what bodily form they have. On the other hand, there are innumerable species of intelligent life, whether physically looking similar to or quite unlike Earthlings, who can acquire the same soul perfection as we can, namely the ultimate unification in love of Creator and creature (without submergence of either). Like ourselves, by cultivating their spiritual nature these extraterrestrial brothers and sisters can also attain perfected soul existence by the cooperation of divine and human freedom.

(with thanks to Aleena Mazhar for preparing the original questions and answers)