About Us

Allan mystical picALLAN KEISLAR has a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, in South Asian languages (Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Persian) and religions (Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism). He has taught at U.C. Berkeley as Graduate Student Instructor of South Asian Studies, at the Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley) as Adjunct Professor of World Religions, at Forman Christian College (Lahore, Pakistan) as Professor of History and Pakistan Studies, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) as Visiting Scholar of South Asian Culture and Religion, at Woodland Community College (Woodland, California) as Adjunct Professor of World Religions and now at the Institute of All Intelligent Life (Esparto, California) as Professor of Universe Studies.

One afternoon in the fall of 1956, when he was nine years old, Allan was walking home from school through a forest and saw a “flying saucer” parked in a clearing. The kind non-human captain of the spaceship invited him aboard and spoke with him so lovingly that Allan felt she was his true mother. (In fact, when he reached home, he told his shocked biological mother, “You are not my mother!”) Many years later, a friend who had never heard of this incident had a vivid dream of it, in which he observed Allan on board the craft asking this personality, “Are you my mother? Are you my mother?”

When Allan was nineteen years old, the young daughter of one of his college professors died. Several days later, while writing in his journal, Allan felt her presence and that she was asking him to write something to her parents from her. Allan then transcribed fifteen or twenty pages and later, with great hesitation, showed it to this professor and his wife. With tears in their eyes, they both immediately accepted this as their daughter’s message for them, telling the astonished Allan that it was written in her handwriting (which Allan had never seen).

This was one of Allan’s first of many such experiences of clear paranormal communication. Eventually he was blessed by hearing, seeing in vision or externally, or even talking with some of the most famous saints and spiritual personalities of history. They have all approved his desire to make his life’s purpose resolving the apparent contradictions between the world’s “different” religious traditions by accepting and appreciating them all, integrating them with both science and extraterrestrial spirituality.

During the 1980’s in Pakistan, Allan was granted the audience of a number of the greatest spiritual patrons  of that country, including Baba Shams in Multan, Baba Farid Ganj Shakar in Pakpattan, and even the Holy Prophet Muhammad himself in 1995. Although Allan surrendered himself totally to their guidance, none of them indicated to Allan that he should change his way of life, but rather to “just go on doing what you are doing.” They also instructed that one day he should establish a movement to be called “Pak Rasta” to work for peace, progress, unity, love and justice in Pakistan and around the world.

In about 1992, at age forty-five, Allan again saw the same extraterrestrial craft he had boarded when he was nine years old. He met the same kind and loving (and humorous!) captain again, and was surprised that she still looked the same age, in her late twenties or early thirties. She explained to Allan that her species lives for thousands of years. Her ancestors had traveled transdimensionally to Earth from another star system many millennia ago. Since then her people have lived underground within our planet, occasionally contacting surface-dwelling humans to assist us in our cultural and spiritual evolution.

In 1996, Allan obtained the supreme good fortune of directly, externally seeing Shri-Shri Radha-Krishna, the most beautiful and loving divine couple. He also had a number of visions and received instruction from various other holy personalities in the ensuing years.

In the autumn of 1998, Allan’s extraterrestrial “mother” transported him to an area in our solar system which he estimates was beyond the asteroid belt and likely beyond the orbit of Jupiter. The craft arrived at a huge structure looking like a stadium, where hundreds or thousands of observers were listening intently to several dozen representatives of various intelligent species seated around a large oval table in the center, debating whether they should again prevent a worldwide nuclear war upon Earth, as they had done before.

All the representatives apparently knew that such a final Armageddon was destined to occur about the middle of the next year, 1999, but they also were aware that they had the ability to prevent it if they wished. As the discussion became heated, it seemed that those favoring allowing the war to occur were winning the debate.

Then suddenly everyone became silent. All stood respectfully, some bowed their heads and others prostrated themselves before a personality who was floating into the arena, obviously the emissary of a higher authority. Most of the representatives seemed pleased, but several were evidently upset that this decision now had been taken out of their hands.

With but one word, “Mercy!”, that respected being revealed that the upcoming World War III would be prevented, and that humanity’s distressful destiny had been drastically altered. The people of Earth would not have to undergo a devastating nuclear holocaust to wake them up to the need for international unity, as had long been expected and prophesied. Rather, they would be able to achieve world peace based on increasing knowledge, wisdom and love, leading to nonviolent mutual understanding.

In 2009, while he was teaching at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Allan awoke very early one morning hearing a tune, which was then repeated with the words: “Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus ventris tui, Iesus” (“Rejoice, Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.”); then “Allah-u-Akbar! La ilaha ill Allah; Muhammadun rasulullah.” (“God is Most Great! There is no god but God; Muhammad is the Prophet of God!”); then “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare.” (O All-Attractive God, O Joyful Giver of full joy, O Divine Energy, let me serve You eternally!”); and finally “Sh’ma Israel, Adonai Eluheinu Adonai ekhat. Barukh atah Adonai Eluheinu melekh ha’olam.” (“Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One! Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the Universe!”)

After this, Allan began reciting all these prayers regularly, soon adding others from other religious traditions as well, including the Sikh mool mantarIk Omkar sat nam karta purukh nirbhav nirvair akala murat ajuni saibham gur prasad. Jap: Aad Sach, jugaad Sach, hai bhi Sach, Nanak ho so bhi Sach.” (“There is but one God, Whose Name is True, the Creator Personality, Fearless, Beyond Envy, Timeless Form, Unborn, Self-manifested, [known by] the Guru’s grace. Recite: (God is) Truth from the beginning, Truth throughout the ages, Truth now and Truth forevermore, says Nanak.”)

As he had in the 1995 for the first time, Allan was again given direct personal guidance by the Prophet Muhammad in 2012, 2017 and three times in 2019. In the first of these, in early August of 2012, the Messenger of Islam told Allan, “You are already a Muslim; you have recited the kalima hundreds of times” (referring to the fact that Allan was regularly chanting “La ilaha ill Allah; Muhammadun rasulullah” along with prayers from other traditions). In the second, in September 2017, Allan was told that if persons of any revealed religion faithfully follow the true teachings of their religion, they are also Muslims and will attain success in life.

In the first of the three audiences in 2019, the Holy Prophet, laughing happily, said that the Israel-Palestine conflict would end when Jews begin reciting the Muslim daily prayers, especially in the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, and Muslims begin reciting the Jewish daily prayers. In the second communication, in early November, the Holy Messenger of God joyously announced that the opening of the Kartarpur Corridor between India and Pakistan that month was the first major success in Ghazwa-i-Hind (the prophesied “Battle of India”), the culmination of  Armageddon (the long-foretold struggle between Good and Evil on Earth in the “last days”) and the sign of coming world peace. Finally, on 30 November, 2019, Hazrat Muhammad gave Allan the name “Ali Muhammad Kartarpuri” (thus formally making Allan his disciple) and told him, “I will always be with you.” Though the Holy Prophet later instructed him not to use this new name, since that time Allan has always felt his spiritual master’s personal presence.

Allan is now in regular communication with both his non-human mentor, whom he calls “Felidicity”, as well as other elevated transdimensional beings. Under their guidance, he and his wife and spiritual guide Carol Keislar established the Institute of All Intelligent Life in Esparto, California, in 2016. The Institute is studying and spreading long-suppressed knowledge of the true history and structure of our cosmos, revealing that we are intimately related with all the many varied forms of intelligent life everywhere.

(For more details about Allan Keislar’s life and experiences, and answers to many questions about him, please see the “Frequently Asked Questions” tab on this website.)